The music classes “Eurydice” 2008 in Levico Terme are open to international citizens who have obtained their diplomas or are studying music, even in non- specialized music schools and who are 14 years old and older (-14 years old with parents). All students who are not 18 by the beginning of the courses must provide written authorization from their parents. They must also abide by all instructions issued by the organizers. The course fee covers : from the 21 th of July (lunch) to the 1st of August(breakfast) 2008. EURYDICE国際音楽マスターコース2008 於イタリアのレヴィコ・テルメ LEVICO TERME (トレントTRENTO) 2008年7月21日−8月1日 年齢や学歴の制限なし。ただし参加者が14歳未満の場合保護者の引率が必要 マスターコータ終了後、参加者全員にディプロマ修了証書が授与されます。 終了コンサートが予定されていますので、それに対応できる服装を持参の事。 OPTIONS:
A) LESSONS ONLY レッスンのみ 279, - Euros winds, strings, guitar and accordion 363, - Euros voice and piano students
796, - Euros winds, strings, guitar and accordion 880, - Euros voice and piano students
“Eurydice” proposes an arrangement at the hotel Albergo Acler and Concordia*** in Levico Terme in rooms with 2 / 3 / 4 beds with bathrooms, booked by Eurydice. ホテルはツイン、トリプル、またはベッド4つ、トイレ付。 (not including drinks, coffee and telephone).
Others arrangements (hotels, campings, flats) ask for information: 0049-4056009012
THE REGISTRATION FEE (will only be refund in case of a cancellation of the participant)前払金(申込み時に料金の一部を前払いし、残金は現地にての支払いとなります。)
A) LESSONS ONLY レッスンのみ申込みの場合 150, - Euros winds, strings, voice, guitar, accordion and piano.
B) LESSONS + HOTEL宿泊込みの場合 300, - Euros winds, strings, voice, guitar, accordion and piano
Must be paid by international postal order to:振込先(フランス) La Banque Postale-Centre de la Source(フランスの郵便局) : Ensemble Eurydice(口座名義) 口座番号IBAN: FR 80 20041 01012
Conto Nr. 39 329 57 U 033 / 03 口座番号
THE FULL SETTLEMENT must be paid on the first day of classes. (21 of July)
申込書は下記住所まで郵送にて2008年5月20日必着。(申込金の支払書のコピーを添えて) Ensemble Eurydice -18,chausse de Maubuisson-95310 St.Ouen l`Aumone{FRANCIA} THE REGISTRATION FORM must be in the post by the 20th of Mai 2008 with proof of payment of the registration fee enclosed and sent to: Ensemble Eurydice 18, chaussée de Maubuisson - 95310 St. Ouen l’Aumone (France)
Registrations by e-mail : eurydicefr2000@yahoo.it
The organizers of the courses decline all liability in case of accidents, illness or any other inconvenience of whatever nature that may be incurred by the participants during their stay in Levico Terme. Students are advised to take out private insurance to cover these risks (E111).
All those wishing to take part must bring their own instruments and music stands, and a dark suit or dress and dark shoes for concerts. (the chamber music class and orchestra are included in the overall price) .
Languages spoken : Italian, French, English, German and Spanish.
DOCENTI – PROFESSEURS –TEACHERS - DOZENTEN 講師 DANIELA PISANO (Paris - Hamburg) flauto - flute - Flöte STEPHANE MINGASSON{Paris}oboe-hautbois-oboe ROBIN MAY (San Francisco) musica da camera - chamber music - Kammermusik PRIMO BORALI{Milano}clarinetto-clarinette-clarinet ROMUALDO BARONE (Japan) clarinetto - clarinette - clarinet WALTER GEROMET (Trieste - Madrid) sassofono - sax LEONARDO DOSSO (Milano) fagotto - bassoon - Fagott GIANCARLO SACCHI (Milano) ottoni - cuivres - brass - Blechblasinstrumente e orchestra CRISTINA PEDERIVA (Milano) violino - violon - violin GIANANTONIO ROSSI (Milano) violoncello - cello - Cello GIGLIOLA BONORA (Ferrara) canto - chant- voice - Gesang CAROL VEIT (Paris) canto - chant- voice - Gesang DENISE WOLCARIUS{Paris}harpsichord-baroque flute AURELIEN GRIMA{Paris}chamber music with harp LUIGI RUBINO (Foggia) pianoforte – piano - Klavier HELENE BOSCHERON (Paris) pianoforte – piano - Klavier DANIELA SOPITCO (Arad) pianoforte – piano - Klavier
SCHEDA DI ISCRIZIONE / INSCRIPTION / APPLICATION / EINSCHREIBUNG 申込書 Nome e cognome/Nom et prénom/first and last name/ Vor- und Nachname: __________________________________ Indirizzo/adresse/address/Adresse: ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________
Telefono/téléphone/telephone/Telefon: ___________________ Fax/téléfax/fax/Fax: ___________________________________ Cellulare/portable/cellphone/Handy :______________________ E-mail :______________________________________________ Luogo e data di nascita/lieu et date de naissance/place and date of birth/Geburtsort und –datum: _________________________ ____________________________________________________ Nazionalità/Nationalitée/Nationality/Staatsbürgerschaft: ____________________________________________________ Strumento o voce e anni di studio/instrument ou voix et niveau d’études/ instrument or voice and level/Instrument oder Gesang und Stufe:_____________________________ Formula A o B/Cours A ou B/Courses A or B/Tarif A oder B :___ Tassa di iscrizione : (allegare ricevuta versamento) Montant inscription : (à joindre reçu) /registration fee/ Einschreibegebühr (Beleg beifügen) Euro 150 ( A solo corso – lessons only ) Euro 300 ( B corso + hotel – lessons + hotel )
Data/date/Datum: ___________________
Firma/signature/Unterschrift: ____________________________________________________
Firma dei genitori se minorenne (dichiarazione dei genitori) Signature de parents pour les mineurs (accord des parents) Unterschrift der Eltern für Teilnehmer unter 18 Jahren Parents’ signature for minors. |
No.1091 2008/02/18(Mon) 21:16:41